Instructor-led training -

Senior Level CommunicationsSenior Level Communications

Face to face / Virtual public schedule & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.

From £495 List price £650

As the world gets more global in its communications, challenging situations can present themselves every day for senior managers. Often, these managers are of a different generation to those just starting work and the difference in perspectives can be fraught with misunderstandings and frustrations.
This course enables you to advance your skills in international communications, to set out your purpose and make clear the strategies you've created or the outcomes you are seeking to others. It shows you what impact you have on others and how the right form or style of communication will help mutual understanding.
To be effective, this course is very challenging. It is practical, relevant to the issues of the day and inspirational in its outlook. It requires that you suspend old patterns of thinking which will thus enable you to grow out of your comfort zone, making you more confident and giving you effective tools to use in the workplace.

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